Pet Sitting Agreement

We want your pet’s experience to be safe and enjoyable while we care caring for your fur family! This form outlines a number of considerations that could arise. We want to be in alignment as to what would happen on each.

You will only need to sign this form once, and it will apply to all pets you already own as well as those you may acquire in the future. Please reach out by text or call to 469-481-8900 if you have any questions!

Please read and check each section to complete the release form:

Relationship and Responsibilities

The sitter undertakes to perform the agreed-on services in an attentive, reliable and caring manner and the pet owner undertakes to provide all necessary information to assist in this performance.


The sitter’s fees are based on the services listed and the pricing outlined here.


The sitter will carry liability insurance relative to the services performed for the pet owner. A copy of the insurance policy is available to the pet owner upon request.

The sitter accepts no liability for any breach of security or loss of or damage to the pet owner’s property if any other person (e.g., family member, neighbor, friend) has access to the property while the sitter is caring for the property and pets.

The sitter shall not be liable for any mishap caused by a pet who has unsupervised access indoors or outdoors (e.g., through a dog door).

In the event the pet injures the sitter, the pet owner will reimburse the sitter for resulting medical expenses.

The sitter is released from all liability related to transporting pet(s) to and from any veterinary clinic or kennel, the medical treatment of the pet(s) and the expense thereof.


p>In the event of an emergency, the sitter shall contact the pet owner at the numbers provided to confirm the pet owner’s choice of action. If the pet owner cannot be reached immediately, the sitter is authorized to transport the pet(s) to the family’s veterinarian or the closest 24/7 veterinary care clinic.

Pet owner agrees to be financially responsible for the pet’s veterinary care.

The Pet owner agrees to approve treatment up to:(Required)


The sitter warrants to keep safe and confidential all keys, remote control entry devices, access codes and personal information of the pet owner. Sitter will return keys and remotes to the pet owner when requested.


We ask that your pet be in compliance with your veterinarian’s recommendations for your pet. We also ask for a copy of your most recent vaccination records.

Refusal of Services for Dangerous or Aggressive Animals

In the event that a pet behaves aggressively or dangerously, we reserve the right to refuse pet sitting services, suspend sitting services, or cancel sitting services at any time before, during, or after a pet sitting engagement. While the pet parent is making other arrangements, we will try our best to still care for your animal without putting our sitters in harm’s way.


In the event that a locksmith is needed, the client will contact the locksmith to schedule repair services. The client will let the sitter know when to expect the locksmith so that the sitter can be present.

To avoid this scenario, all customers are asked to provide a primary and secondary way to access the home.


Your satisfaction is extremely important to us. If you are dissatisfied with your pet sitting for any reason, please contact us with 24 hours.


By signing this release form, you give us permission to photograph your pet for use in our updates to you. Pet pictures may also be used (without identifying information) on the company’s website and social media pages.
