

Standard Breeds


Short Haired Dog

Bath & Nails

Long Haired Dog

Bath & Nails

Bath, Nails & Haircut
1 – 9 pounds $90 $104 $127
10 – 19 pounds $95 $109 $131
20 – 29 pounds $100 $111 $134
30 – 39 pounds $104 $115 $141
40 – 49 pounds $110 $123 $149
50 – 59 pounds $115 $126 $153
60 – 69 pounds*

No helper: $126

No helper: $136
No helper: $165
70 – 79 pounds* $166*
No helper: $136
No helper: $142
No helper: $185
80 – 89 pounds* $177*
No helper: $147
No helper: $184
No helper: $189
90 – 99 pounds* $187*
No helper:$157
No helper: $188
No helper: $194
100+ pounds* $198*
No helper:$168
No helper: $195
No helper: $198

Poodles, Doodles, & Cocker Spaniels

  Bath & Nails Bath, Nails & Haircut
Poodle/Doodle 1 – 9 pounds $109 $133
Poodle/Doodle 10 – 19 pounds $113 $137
Poodle/Doodle 20 – 29 pounds $150 $160
Poodle/Doodle 30 – 39 pounds $160 $178
Poodle/Doodle 40 – 49 pounds $164 $190
Poodle/Doodle 50 – 59 pounds $180 $240
Poodle/Doodle 60 – 69 pounds* $221*
No helper: $191
No helper: $245
Poodle/Doodle 70 – 79 pounds* $255*
No helper: $225
No helper: $250
Poodle/Doodle 80 – 89 pounds* $259*
No helper: $229
No helper: $255
Poodle/Doodle 90 – 99 pounds* $265*
No helper: $235
No helper: $260
Cocker Spaniel $145 $175

For pets of any size that are difficult to groom, there is a special handling fee of $25 per groom. This fee is applied at the groomers discretion. 

*For larger pets (60+ pounds) we automatically send a second groomer on the initial visit for the safety of our groomers and your pet. If your pet is not able to be groomed at the initial visit, there is a $25 assessment fee. 

**After the initial groom, the groomer may require that subsequent visits include a second groomer to help manage the pet in the van. In which case, your price per groom would not change. Often the second groomer is not required for subsequent visits so the price per groom would decrease by $30.

Payment Policy

Payment Terms: Payment is due within 24 hours of your grooming appointment.

Methods of payment accepted: Our preferred payment methods are Zelle, Venmo, check, and cash (in that order). We do accept credit cards as a method of payment but there is a 3% fee when a credit or debit card is used.

Matting Policy

With long-haired dogs, daily brushing is required to keep their hair in perfect condition. We understand that a minor amount of matting is normal especially in certain areas (i.e., belly and underarms). Our customers sometimes request or expect that the groomer can return a completely matted dog to his normal “flowy hair” condition. De-matting is excruciating for the dog even when the groomer does her gentle best. It can take as much as 2-4 hours to de-mat a dog when he or she is in this condition.

If de-matting is requested, the groomer will let you know if de-matting is even an option. Because of the additional time required, she will quote you an additional fee for this work. If the additional charges are not acceptable the only thing that can be done is to shave the dog as short as necessary to get underneath the mats and return the dog to an even, all-over length. With daily brushing, his or her hair will grow back more beautiful than ever.

New Client Deposit

If you are a new client, welcome! For your first appointment we do require a 50% deposit to hold your spot on the schedule.

Once your groomer is finished with your baby, the deposit will be applied to your invoice so you will just need to pay the remaining balance.

Cancellation Policy

We know that life happens!  When you are able to give us more than a 24 hours notice, we do not charge a cancellation fee.

If you give less than 24 hours notice you are subject to a 50% non-refundable deposit to schedule your next appointment.

This deposit will hold your spot on the schedule for your baby’s next groom. Once the groomer is finished with your baby, the deposit will be applied to your invoice so you will just need to pay the remaining balance. If the appointment is cancelled again, you will need to pay a new 50% non-refundable deposit for your new appointment.


De-Matting and Shave-Downs: This is slow work that requires concentration and skill. The fee for this work is $2 per minute.

For de-matting, there is an additional option if you do not want a shave-down. In many cases, we can send a groomer’s assistant to brush out your pet (usually this is done in the back yard). If your pet is heavily matted, the work can take 2-4 hours @ $30 per hour and will get the hair sufficiently brushed out so that a regular haircut is possible.


  Bath & Nails Bath, Nails & Haircut
Cat <15 pounds 
$120 $145
Cat >15 pounds $130 $160

Cats are notoriously averse to the dryer, especially around the face and neck. Please be aware that (for compassionate reasons) your groomer may return the cat to you at least slightly damp.

Grooming Add-Ons

$ 0
$ 0
$ 0

Want to add-on a little something special for your baby during their spa? Below is a list of our add-on options:

Add-On Option Price
Add-on Nail Trim $18
Add-on Paw Pad Treatment  $5
Add-on Nail Polish $15
Add-on De-shed: Large Dog $35
Add-on De-shed: Medium Dog $30
Add-on De-shed: Small Dog $25
Add-on Face, Feet, & Tail Trim $12
Add-on Temporary Color $30 Tattoo
$50 Hair Dye
Add-on Brush & Comb Set $50
Flea & Tick Shampoo $25
Blueberry Facial $5
Special Shampoo (sensitive skin, hypoallergenic, ect.) $10
De-skunk Bath $40

The following items are included in every groom: nail trim/grind, teeth brushing, bandana, anal gland expression, ear cleaning, and cologne. 


*See terms and conditions under inclusions list.

Service Inclusions:

30 minute basic walk, multiple dogs

Bring in mail, newspaper, deliveries, etc.
Water plants and flowers
Take out trash and bins
Adjust lights and blinds daily
Check and provide food and water for pets in home
Play time
Evening TV and snuggles

Overnight stay with pets

Mid-day visit : $20 per visit
Confirmation text with photos

Meet & Greets: Before visiting your babies for the first time, a sitter will come out to meet with you to gather all the care instructions we will need to provide the best care for your animals. A Meet & Greet is $15 plus a fuel/mileage fee.

Lockboxes may be installed and removed with the first and last visit of your trip. If you wish for a lockbox to be installed/removed before or after your trip, there is a $5 per event fee.

Blood Sugar Check & Insulin Injection: Our sitters have been specially trained to check blood sugar levels and administer Insulin injections for those animals that need it. If your baby does need this done during a visit, there is a $5 per visit fee.

For Sole-Sitter services (same sitter every time), the price per visit is doubled.

For Exact Time services, there is an additional fee of 50% of the visit.

If a visit runs over 30 minutes due to your pet(s) being sick, not eating, etc., there is an additional charge of $1 per minute.

If the sitter has to go to the store for your pet(s) to pick up more food, medication, etc., the cost of such items will be added to your invoice along with a fee for the sitter’s extra errand and visit time..

Fuel & Mileage Offset: For each trip there will be a small fee based on your zip code.

Our Overnight services are dependent on our sitter’s availability. We appreciate as much notice as you can give us for these services.

Dog Boarding & Pet Taxi

*See terms and conditions under inclusions list.

  • Boarding - First Dog $49*
  • Boarding - Additional Dog $38*
  • Doggie Daycare - Full Day $33*
  • Doggie Daycare - Half Day $25*
  • Pet Taxi $34+

    Plus the fuel & mileage fee for the destination zip code

  • Real Estate Showing Support $50

    This covers us fetching your animals, caring for them for 2 hours, & returning them home

Service Inclusions:

24-hour care with our owner & office staff

12-hour care with our owner & office staff

6-hour care with our owner & office staff
Provide food, water, & medications as needed
Play time
Pick up your pet, transport, drop off : $10 fee** : Included
Take your pet to the vet : $50 fee
Send a confirmation message with photos

*Our boarding and daycare services have a weight limit of 40 pounds.

***Fuel & Mileage Offset: For each trip there will be a small fee based on your zip code (check zip code map here).



M-F Daily Dog Walk (Price per walk each day)

On-Demand Dog Walk (60 minutes notice)

15 minutes*



30 minutes* 



45 minutes*




*Plus a fuel/mileage fee based on your location

*A 15-minute walk is for 1 dog only. The 30 and 45-minute walks include up to 2 dogs. Each additional dog is $5

Price includes: Picking up the dog, harnessing the dog safely, and neighborhood or park walk for the time indicated. The pace for the walk will be agreed at the meet & greet.^

^For those dogs who are hard to tire out, the pace can even include a gallop as we can train your dog to run safely alongside our walker’s scooter or bicycle.


$ 0
$ 0
$ 0

*Bite History: A dog with a bite history has a $20 premium for each session.

*Aggressive or severe cases: Pricing will be determined at the time of the initial consultation.

*Plus Tax and Fuel/Mileage fee based on zip code (check zip code map below).

Scheduling and Payment:
Fees for training services are payable before or the day of the appointment. Once our scheduling team has arranged a mutually agreeable time and date with you, they will also forward your invoice which can be paid via Zelle, Venmo, or credit card.

Refunds and Rescheduling Requests:
We recognize that even when you have something committed to the calendar, life can still happen! If you have paid for a session and either party is unable to keep the date and time, the scheduling team will work with you to find another date and time that works for you. Refunds will not be issued.


Pooper Scooper Pricing for An Average Sized Yard

(not including fuel/mileage)

1 Dog 2 Dogs 3 Dogs 4+ Dogs
Twice a Week $12 $14 $16 $18
Weekly $13 $15 $17 $19
Every 2 Weeks $21 $23 $28

*If the yard has gone longer than 1 week without dog poop pickup, the initial clean up fee is $20 per bag.


With mobile services, everyone is everywhere – so how do we keep prices low? We separate service fees and commuting fees. So, if our technician travels a short distance to get to you, your price is lower than a similar customer far, far away. Below are the service fees:
Each visit incurs a small charge for fuel / mileage which varies per zip code. Check the page for the specific service (sitting, grooming, training, or pooper scooper) you’re interested in to see if we serve your area.

Holiday Fees

Our schedules run 7 days a week and practically 365 days a year. A holiday fee will be applied when we are asking our staff to work on the below holidays:


  • New Years Day – Our grooming, training, and pooper scooper services are closed.
  • Memorial Day 
  • July 4th – Our grooming, training, and pooper scooper services are closed.
  • Labor Day 
  • Thanksgiving Day – Our grooming, training, and pooper scooper services are closed.
  • Christmas Eve & Day – Our grooming, training, and pooper scooper services are closed.
Service Price
ANY Grooming Service $20 Added Per Appointment
Pet Visit <2 Pets, 15- or. 30-min. Walks $30 Per Visit
Pet Visit >2 Pets $35 Per Visit
Boarding $50 Per Dog